Během druhé světové války došlo ve Finsku k vůbec k největší evakuaci dětí v dějinách. Během několika vln evakuací, které do značné míry kopírovaly dění na frontě, bylo do bezpečí ve Švédsku (v menší míře také do Dánska a do Norska) evakuováno kolem 70.000 finských dětí. I přes svůj rozsah však tato epizoda až donedávna patřila mezi zapomenuté kapitoly finských dějin. Bakalářské práce popisuje okolnosti, které vedly k evakuaci, její provedení a organizační zajištění transportů, čas který děti strávily ve Švédsku, jejich návrat do Finska, i problémy, se kterými se po návratu musely potýkat. Od 90. let 20. století se "válečným dětem" věnuje stále více pozornosti. V druhé části práce se snažím nastínit, jakým způsobem se příběhy dětí dostávají...
As a result of the Winter War (1939 1940) and the Continuation War (1941 1944), Finland ceded territ...
This study investigates the evacuation of 60,000 French and Belgian children to Switzerland between...
Den här artikeln handlar en omfattande satsning på att transportera ca 5000 sjuka finska barn till S...
The largest evacuation of children in history took place in Finland during the World War II. Approxi...
Research has been done on refugees in general and on Finns during the Second World War specifically....
The worlds largest exodus of children is considered the transfer of circa 70,000 children from Finla...
Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja: Evakkoreissu Ruotsiin – muistamisen arvoiset kokemukset ja tapahtumatSummary...
There is little research about the long-term effects on childrenthat were separated from their paren...
Seventy thousand children were moved to Sweden from Finland during the Second World War with the pur...
In this paper we discuss the heritage of the WWII evacuation and the so-called ‘burning of Lapland’...
The purpose of this article is to clarify what kind of role schools and teachers played in the well-...
In the 20th century, media, cameras and tape recorders have improved recording accounts of historica...
Finnish child refugees of the Second World War in Swedish literature for children and youth. During ...
My master thesis concerns Sweden during the Second World War, and Sweden´s relation to occupied Norw...
This essay is about the children who came from Finland to the province of Norrbotten in northern Swe...
As a result of the Winter War (1939 1940) and the Continuation War (1941 1944), Finland ceded territ...
This study investigates the evacuation of 60,000 French and Belgian children to Switzerland between...
Den här artikeln handlar en omfattande satsning på att transportera ca 5000 sjuka finska barn till S...
The largest evacuation of children in history took place in Finland during the World War II. Approxi...
Research has been done on refugees in general and on Finns during the Second World War specifically....
The worlds largest exodus of children is considered the transfer of circa 70,000 children from Finla...
Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja: Evakkoreissu Ruotsiin – muistamisen arvoiset kokemukset ja tapahtumatSummary...
There is little research about the long-term effects on childrenthat were separated from their paren...
Seventy thousand children were moved to Sweden from Finland during the Second World War with the pur...
In this paper we discuss the heritage of the WWII evacuation and the so-called ‘burning of Lapland’...
The purpose of this article is to clarify what kind of role schools and teachers played in the well-...
In the 20th century, media, cameras and tape recorders have improved recording accounts of historica...
Finnish child refugees of the Second World War in Swedish literature for children and youth. During ...
My master thesis concerns Sweden during the Second World War, and Sweden´s relation to occupied Norw...
This essay is about the children who came from Finland to the province of Norrbotten in northern Swe...
As a result of the Winter War (1939 1940) and the Continuation War (1941 1944), Finland ceded territ...
This study investigates the evacuation of 60,000 French and Belgian children to Switzerland between...
Den här artikeln handlar en omfattande satsning på att transportera ca 5000 sjuka finska barn till S...